Topic : Threat Of ISIS And The Global Peace

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is a committee where major World issues are discussed and global threats resolved. It is one of the six principal organs of the UN. It also has the panel of the Big Five countries which have the power to veto any decisions.
The Security Council is one of the most powerful and fun committees to be in. For all you powerhouses out there, it is a perfect place to discuss major conflicts and issues of the World. From major wars to epidemics, you have the power to propose strong solutions. If you register early, you will have a better chance at stepping up your game by being one of the Big Five.

Topic A: Food Security In Africa-Conflict And Corruption

Topic B: Peace And Development In Post-Conflict Zones

The United Nations Development Programme is an excellent, constructive, committee. In this committee, the allocation and usage of resources and potential is discussed. For the betterment of humanity and the progress towards World Peace, developing countries are the main benefactors in this committee. It is discussed how countries where resources are scarce or untapped can reach their full potential and not be economically deprived. The UNDP is a good platform for MUNners to discuss their ideas on how to make the world a better place for all of humanity.

Topic A: Reducing Violence Against Women

Topic B: Individual Rights To Privacy In Digital Age

For all you human rights’ advocates out there, the United Nations Human Rights Council at FORMUN 16 is perfect. Basic issues such as poverty, healthcare, etc are discussed in this committee. This is the one committee where you can truly learn what atrocities many humans are going through and what are the viable solutions to them. This is also one of the most popular committees in MUN conferences, so debate is strong and consistent.

Topic A: Militarization, Weponization And The Prevention Of An Arms Race In The Outer Space

Topic B: New Battlegrounds: The Future Of Cyber Security And Cyber Warfare

The Disarmament and International Security Committee is one of the many committees on offer at FORMUN ’16. It handles the issue of weapons that can pose a serious threat to global harmony. In this committee, many interesting topics such as chemical weapons and biological weapons are bound to come up. With all the current debate about weapons and disarmament, this committee is guaranteed to be interesting and lively.

Topic A: Effects Of Harmful Traditional Practices On Women

Topic B: Journalistic Freedom And Protection

The Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee deals with a variety of issues and is the Third Committee of the General Assembly. It has a broad range of issues and thus research and general knowledge is quite handy for successful debate here. This committee is quite significant as it discusses strong social and cultural issues and can veer into controversial lines of debate. Thus, this is one committee you will greatly enjoy at FORMUN 16.

Topic A: Granting Independence To Colonial Countries And Peoples

Topic B: Addressing The Problems Of Water Scarcity In South Asia

The Special Political and Decolonization committee is the fourth committee of the General Assembly and discusses a wide variety of topics, including refugees, outer space, colonization etc. It deals with general peacekeeping and is one of the more diverse committees. The topics are varied and interesting and the debate is bound to be quite strong as well.

Topic A: Redefining Foreign Policy

Topic B: Internal Security Status Of Pakistan

The Pakistan National Assembly is a special committee at FORMUN 16 and has always been a specialty. This highly popular committee is the battlefield for rigorous political debate by the many enthusiastic speakers present there. This committee strikes a chord with the budding politician in all of us. In this committee, personalities are assigned rather than countries. So, for all of you who wish to be like Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif or whoever they support, this is your chance. As with all political assemblies, the PNA is guaranteed to be an interesting and highly active committee. So register quickly to get your favorite personality.

As always, we have a committee for one of the biggest fandoms in history. All you Potterheads out there will get to discuss the many issues of the very complex Potterverse. From the bloodline based racism to the inevitable rise of the Dark Lord, anything and everything is possible in this committee. So, indulge your inner wizard/witch at FORMUN 16 and enjoy this committee. P.S, we do not discriminate against Muggles and Squibs. Even Death Eaters, for that matter.

The primary purpose of the Press Corps. is to facilitate informational transfers between participants in the FORMUN Model United Nations (FORMUN.) These committees include the general assemblies, crisis committees, and other specialized and regional bodies. Press Corps. communicates with these committees, but does not participate in the process of debating itself. Thus, it is requisite that members of this committee conduct research about the pertinent topics that will be discussed in other sessions. Delegates in Press Corps. therefore achieve a comprehensive view of the economic, social, and political states of the countries being represented. This allows them to take on the role of a global journalistic body, with delegates reporting on the discussions that take place during the conference. Delegates must be skillful writers with the ability to transmit information efficiently, and must also have a strong abilities in multimedia and data compilation. Members of the Press Corps. produce detailed articles, which are assembled in a collective newsletter that is distributed to other delegates at the conclusion of the conference. Conclusively, the Press Corps. will use available communication channels to update other committees on relevant information, as well as to consolidate the topics that are discussed at individual committees’ meetings.

This is a Crisis Committees. The topic will be revealed 2 weeks before the conference.

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